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Published date: 13 Apr 2013 |
Background: Gedongkiwo
Village is one of the villages that was ranked first for the
highestnumber of dengue disease in the year 2010. Many years in the
urban village health centerssupported Gedongkiwo local government has
sought to control the vector mosquito Ae.aegyptiL, but such efforts
until now have not shown significant results. Outreach efforts and
thepromotion of public health for more attention to hygiene and
environmental health are also ableto reduce the incidence of DHF has not
been clearly defined. On the other hand, anotherproblem arises, namely
the occurrence of resistance in mosquitoes Ae.aegypti L. of thepesticide
compound that is used for eradication. The purpose of this study was to
Knowing thepopulation of mosquito species Ae. Aegypti L. If visits by
the House Index (HI), Container Index(CI) and Bretaeau Index (BI) in the
Village District Gedongkiwo Mantrijeron Yogyakarta SpecialProvince of
Yogyakarta.Methods: This was qualitative descriptive research. Samples
in this study were 100 houses ineach RW 02, 06 and 09 in the Village
Gedongkiwo. Data obtained by the survey to eachhousehold to determine
HI, CI, and BI by filling out a check list sheet. Data analysis of
theresults of research carried out in accordance with two criteria: If
HI> 10% category of "high risk",HI <10% criterion "low risk"; if
CI> 10% category of "high risk" and CI <10% category of "low
risk"; if BI> 50% category of" high risk "and BI <50% category of"
low risk ".Results: This study showed that the average value House
Index (HI) in the Village Gedongkiwoof 38.67 percent and the average
value of Container Index (CI) of 13.41 percent. As for theaverage value
of Breateu Index (BI) is equal to 19.67 percent.Conclusion: Based on the
House Index (HI) and the Container Index (CI) population ofmosquitoes
Ae. aegypti L. already exceeded the safe limit the spread of dengue
disease. ValueBreteau Index (BI) shows still below safe levels, but in
alert condition with a variety of canincrease dengue
transmission.Keyword: Monitoring, Population, Ae. aegypti L, Dengue
Hemorhagic Fever, GedongkiwoVillage
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